Wednesday, March 4, 2015

"SCOTUS Raises the Stakes—Again—in Obamacare Politics"

Live article

Both Congressional Republicans and the President have a lot on the line- the Supreme Court will hear another high-profile challenge to Obamacare- this is its third case in three years. The case they are hearing is King v. Burwell, which challenges Obamacare's insurance subsidies, which, if eliminated, could severely damage the law, because many people who have gained insurance under the law depend on the subsidies to afford it. It would also make the 'individual mandate' harder to enforce. 

Later in the semester, we will study the separation of powers as well as what each branch can and cannot do. One of the powers of the Supreme Court is judicial review- the power to review laws and executive actions- but only if said law or action is challenged in court and makes it way up to the Supreme Court.

I think that it is fine for Republicans to try to challenge Obamacare in court. However, I do believe that they need to come up with their own healthcare plan to replace it. Considering most of the beneficiaries of this law live in Republican or swing states, come election time, many of their constituents won't be happy with them, and they may vote for a different candidate.


  1. Hey Anthony! I completely agree with you. Republicans have the right to challenge
    Obamacare, but if they don't have another solution, they will lose votes and many Americans would be left with no access to healthcare.

  2. I agree anthony they need to come up with their own healthcare plan. Well written article.
