Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Texas judge blocks Barack Obama's immigration order, House GOP pushes for bill to stop implementation

Hello all! Today, I will be discussing a Texas federal judge's decision to block Obama's immigration order. Here's the full article: Article

A Texas federal judge temporarily blocked President Obama's executive 'amnesty' per a request by twenty-six states. However, the Obama administration predict that this ruling will be overturned by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. However, House Republican leaders, are not backing down from a threat to cut off funding (in essence shutting it down) for the Department of Homeland Security unless the Senate and Obama go along with a bill suspending the executive order.

This relates to our curriculum because we will eventually talk about the powers of different part of the US Government. We will talk about executive actions as well as the courts' abilities to vacate those executive actions.

I personally think that this is ridiculous. If you want to stop Obama's immigration order, have a vote pass in Congress. If it passes by more than an extremely narrow margin, the president should sign it. However, until that happens, I think his executive action should be left alone.

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